WhO Are The

Layout ANd MEdia Experts?

Founded in May 2024, the Layout and Media Experts (L.A.M.E.) Club at Florida Southern College was created by a group of graphic design students who recognized the need for a more connected and supportive design community on campus. The club was established to provide opportunities for students to collaborate on creative projects, share ideas, and develop their professional skills in a relaxed and engaging environment. Through regular meetings, workshops, and collaborative assignments, members gain hands-on experience in creating designs for posters, buttons, stickers, and other media.

In addition to on-campus activities, L.A.M.E. Club actively engages with the local community through monthly tabling at Downtown Lakeland's First Friday events. These events allow members to showcase and sell their work while gaining valuable real-world experience in marketing and sales. All profits from these sales are reinvested into the club to fund supplies, guest speakers, and future events, ensuring the continued growth and success of the organization. The club’s overarching goal is to unite the Florida Southern College graphic design community and provide every student with the best opportunities to succeed in the creative industry.

Layout And Media Experts

Council Members:

Our President: Sophia Dial

Our President of Layout And Media Experts Is a 3rd year Graphic Design major, minoring in marketing and photography.

Our Vice-President: Leanna Powell

Our VP of Layout And Media Experts Is a 4th year Graphic Design major, minoring in photography.

Our Assignment Manager: Sydney Wood

Our Assignment Manager of Layout And Media Experts Is a 3rd year Graphic Design major.

Our secretary: Jessica Jablonski

Our Secretary of Layout And Media Experts Is a 2nd year Graphic Design major.

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